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Euridica presents speech Cyber security development approach on stream Multistakeholder, Multilevel, Holistic, Agile approach to build cyber security culture during second day of conference.
The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria in cooperation with the Atlantic Council of Serbia organizes the conference “Fundamental Readiness in Cyber Defense in the Balkans (FRCDB)” which will take place in the period 17-19 October in Belgrade, Serbia.
The main goal of project is to support developing cyber defense capabilities in the Balkan region and its surroundings. The event will focus on five main priorities such as: cyber defense situational awareness, critical information infrastructure protection, cyber security capacity, culture and policies building, and sharing the best practices through presenting new technology by the cyber security local and international industry. It will serve to facilitate the importance of regional and abroad cooperation among the participants within the NATO and partner countries in the SEE region. Such workshop will enhance an essential component in building fundamental readiness for resilience to cyber threats and cyber terrorism by sifting the cyber defense capabilities in the Balkan region. The project provides the participation of many politicians, diplomats, and experts from various European countries as well as international organizations (OSCE,OECD) foundations (GCSP) and NGOs in the area of the cyber security.
Euridica will participate on the conference.