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Basic webinar for zero-trust concept and Safe-T ZoneZero solutions demo. Content is appropriate for security professionals, risk specialist and IT executives.
Euridica and Safe-T company in cooperation with UDT BiH (Association for Digital Transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina) have been organized ZeroTrust - The right way webinar on September 2021. Webinar introduce the zero-trust concepts and success stories. Solutions for secure remote access and cyber resilience challenges are also our hot topics. Speakers are:
ZoneZero first ever Software Defined Perimeter and Zero-trust solution of the well-known Safe-T company is presented, with an explanation of the benefits/trust that this solution brings to business and security services. A practical ZoneZero implementation examples and integration into network and cloud solutions are also presented.
Webinar is recorded and available on UDT youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piILvNRdwMQ